Thursday, January 26, 2023

On the U.S. and a Bunch of Other N.A.T.O. Countries Deciding to Send Tanks, Missiles, and a Whole Bunch of Other War-Waging Bullshit Into Ukraine In What Can Only Be Called an Irresponsible Gambit Into World War 3

This shit needs to end IMMEDIATELY. Ukraine and Russia are two of the most corrupt countries on the planet ( and to risk a possible nuclear war over two fucking provinces in Eastern Ukraine is abject madness. And, besides, how would we feel if the Russians had toppled a government in Canada that was friendly to us and replaced it with a regime that wasn't just hostile but one that was also Nazi-infused (the Russians have already dealt with one set of Nazis and probably don't want another go at it) AND armed with advance weaponry? Not that great, I suspect.

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