Saturday, December 3, 2022

On the Fact that the Leftists Have Gotten so Desperate to Control the Narrative that They're Now Unwilling to Permit Even ONE of the Big Social Media Companies the Right to Allow People with Dissenting Views a Place to Express Them (I'm of Course Referencing Here the New Left, Not High-Integrity Liberals Like Glenn Greenwald, Tulsi Gabbard, Jimmy Dore, Matt Taibbi, Aaron Mate, etc.)

 I'm of course talking about Twitter here, a shit-posting depository where leftists from government, academia, Hollywood, and the legacy press routinely engage in character assassination, actual misinformation such as (a - Trump colluding with Russia (the declassified docs from Adam Schiff's star-chamber hearing are illustrative on this), b - Hunter Biden's laptop being Russian disinformation, c - Biden not knowing anything about his son's business dealings, d - Biden not knowing anything about the Michael Flynn case (VP; Logan Act - from Peter Stzrok's notes), e - hydroxychloroquine being a dangerous drug (it actually has a better safety profile than ibuprofen), f - the lockdowns only lasting 15 days to "flattern the curve", g - ivermectin being a "horse de-wormer", h - the covid jabs being safe and effective (some studies actually suggesting negative efficacy after two boosters), i - the January 6th rioters killing five individuals, j - Trump asserting that there were fine people among the neo-Nazis, k - Kyle Rittenhouse being a racist and white supremacist, l - modern industrial societies being able to function on wind, solar, and battery power, and m - border agents whipping illegal aliens), and actual election interference when they banned the fucking President of the United States on the eve of the election and deep-sixed the Hunter Biden Laptop story.......So, yeah, more hardcore projection, in other words.

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