Wednesday, October 12, 2022

On the People of Texas Being Labeled Racist for Complaining About Illegal Immigration but the People of Martha's Vineyard Who Bitched Even More Vociferously When the Illegals Showed Up In Their Neighborhood Apparently Not so Much

 I'm not a political adviser (don't even play one on TV - I know, I know, old joke) but if I was advising the Republicans for the upcoming election I would have them hammer away at this obvious hypocrisy right up til election day and let the chips fall where they may. Yes, it'll galvanize the base but you also might pick up a few disaffected Democrats (the Tulsi Gabbard's of the world) and how delicious would that be?..........................................................................................P.S. And, yes, I'm rooting for the Republicans this go 'round (the entire Democratic party having lost it's mind; green energy insanity, kids picking their gender, abortion up til birth, defunding the police, the list goes on and on), just like I rooted for the Democrats 20 years ago during the neocon period and 40 years ago during the moral majority period. You looking for partisanship? Go look elsewhere as it isn't happenin' here.  

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