Friday, October 7, 2022

On the Fact that (According to Tom Knutson from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory and Chris Landsea from the National Hurricane Center) While 2020 Had a Busy Hurricane Season it Was Just the 13th Busiest On Record and a Lot Less Busy than 1893 and 1933 (When Much Less CO2 Was Being Emitted Into the Atmosphere) -

Yeah, it appears as if there's something called the Atlantic Mutidecadal Variability that creates an ebb and flow to both the frequency and intensity of tropical storms (as measured by the Accumulated Cyclone Index - a concept that will never leave the lips of anyone from CNN or MSLSD - I assure you) and for the political stooges to not even consider this factor is telling and yet one more reason to put them in the corner with a dunce cap on.......Journalists, too.

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