Tuesday, September 20, 2022

On Georgia's Dim Congressman, Hank Johnson (You Know, the Buffoon Who Thought that the Island of Guam Might Capsize if You Housed too Much Shit On it), Comparing Parents Who Vociferously Voiced Their Legitimate Concerns About a Public Educational System Teaching Divisive and Moronic Bullshit to the Low-IQ January 6th Rabble (Both Groups Being Domestic Terrorists, I Guess)

He's a moron, obviously. He's also a liar in that he falsely proclaimed that five people were killed during the "insurrection" (you know, the same one where no one was armed and no one has yet been charged with insurrection), the true statistic of course being one; a young unarmed woman shot by a trigger-happy cop (the other four deaths resulting from natural causes after the event was over). Man, if only the fact-checkers weren't such partisan stooges, this would be a fun one.  

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