Monday, September 12, 2022

On the Fact that You Could Probably Put Half of Hillary Clinton's Supporters Into What I Call the Basket of Undeserving Elitest Statist Imbeciles;

the 8 1/2 month abortion activists, the gun grabbing schmucks who want the state to have the monopoly on force, the "defund the police" nutters, the "six year-olds can select their gender" nutters, the reparations crowd, the ultra-radical environmentalists, the playing with matches identitarians, the open-borders schmucks, the speech-suppression advocates, the creepy people who go around informing disinterested strangers what their "preferred pronouns" are, etc......................................................................................Now do I actually believe this? No, not really (though, for sure, the trajectory is concerning). I just wanted to show the average Democrat what it seemed like when their 2016 torch-bearer smeared 30,000,000 people simply for supporting her opponent (you know, the fellow who DIDN'T advocate a no-fly-zone over Syria).......and hopefully get through to them.

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