Saturday, September 3, 2022

On the Fact that the U.S. Has Faced Many Dangerous Pathogens Over the Decades (HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough, Typhoid Fever, etc.) and the Government Has Never, Ever, Even Contemplated a) Taking Away the Population's Right to Commerce, Worship, and Assembly or b) Working with Private Corporations to Limit the Speech of People Who Simply Oppose the Tyranny

The question of course is, why now? Stupidity? A power grab? A means to destroy Trump? Or something more nefarious? My suspicion early on was that this was simply a way to get Biden elected, covid being such an existential threat that they had to change election laws (with drop boxes, mail-in ballots, etc.), and shut down the economy (one of Trump's major selling-points) and as an excuse to keep ole Biden in his basement. But then the election was toast and we were still engaged in this Orwellian bullshit. So I don't know. Maybe I'll never know.

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