Sunday, August 14, 2022

On this Psychotic Notion that Children "Consent" to Puberty

Part of the "Your Truth" movement, I'm guessing. Seriously, we need to cut this foolishness. a) Most kids grow out of this "confusion" if you simply leave them alone (as I did when I ultimately came to grips with the fact that I could never be a choo-choo) and so maybe we should do that. b) A lot of this craze is probably due to social contagion and peer pressure and so having adults feeding into the delusion is simply making it worse. And c) it isn't the job of teachers to be involved with this shit anyway and so maybe reining those folks in is a good idea, too.....................................................................................................P.S. Yes, I get it, this all sounds harsh but when you combine what's happened to decadent cultures in the past with how the Russians, Chinese, and ISIS are toughening up their people NOW, a noxious message is probably what's needed.

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