Thursday, August 18, 2022

On a Small Contingent of Knuckle-Dragging Neo-Nazis Showing Up at a Turning Points U.S.A. Rally (Probably Imposters, the Same Schmucks Who Showed Up at the Youngkin Event), the Sponsors of the Event Vociferously Telling the Miscreants to Go Pound Sand, and the Next Day Leftists Jerkoffs Like Whoopi Goldberg Lying Through Their Teeth and Telling Their Brain-Dead Followers that the Neo-Nazis Had Actually Been Welcomed In by the Turning Points Folks

The Whoopster of course had to apologize for the lie (forced to no doubt by the View's legal department) and then apologize for the BS apology (a self-serving one that only made matters worse). Hopefully for the gal it was sufficient enough to avoid another slander suit (Kyle Rittenhouse apparently driving strong to the hoop as well) in that even a rich train-wreck like Whoopi has a cash register that eventually cries, uncle.

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