Sunday, August 28, 2022

On F.B.I. Ramrods, Knowing Fully Well that the Hunter Biden Laptop Story Was Legit, Paying a Visit to Facebook Owner, Mark Zuckerberg, and Informing Him that the Russians Were Preparing to Shit Out a Bunch of Disinformation, and Then as the Hunter Biden Laptop Fiasco Was Breaking, Zuckerberg, Thinking that this Was Part of that Disinformation, Deciding to Shadow-Ban the Story and Throw the New York Post Under the Bus

 If there's ever been a more obvious and venal example of election interference (especially on the Presidential level), I certainly can't think of one (the dirty dealings between Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams in 1824, maybe). Hopefully the Garland justice department looks into this crap and why are you laughing so hard? Oh yeah, forgot.

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