Tuesday, August 30, 2022

On the Fact that (per the Brookings Institution - https://thefederalist.com/2022/08/24/bidens-student-loan-forgiveness-is-an-unjust-cynical-abuse-of-power/) Only 6% of College Graduates Owe More than $100,000 with a Sizable Chunk of Those Being Grad Students

 And I frankly don't give a damn what these kids majored in because it's either going to be something bankable like accounting, nursing, or engineering where they shouldn't have an issue paying off the loan or something moronic like postmodernism, critical theory, or gender studies where they clearly need to learn a life lesson about decisions having consequences. And, besides, a lot of these kids come from wealthy families that rake-in hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and have robust portfolios. How 'bout having them pay for the BS degrees and not the hard working plumbers, landscapers, carpenters, and truck drivers? Seems a bit more fair, no?

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