Wednesday, August 10, 2022

On the Fact that I Would Like Every Latino Immigrant to Be a Rothbardian Libertarian but Even if They Were I Would Still Want the Process to Be an Orderly One by Having Everyone Come Through the Proper Port of Entry, Mandating that They Show Up at Their Asylum Hearing, and Having the Penalty for Not Showing Up Be Exceedingly Punitive

And the reasons for this are obvious; a) the huge quantities of deadly Chinese-manufactured fentanyl flooding into the country with thousands of people overdosing on the shit, b) human trafficking continuing to be a very dangerous problem (48 migrants recently suffocating in the back of a truck - thanks, Joe), c) the lack of assimilating taking place over the past couple decades and our needing to assess that issue, d) a fear that terrorists could be accompanying some of these "caravans", and e) a concern that individuals could be bringing in communicable diseases.............Of course if they happen to be carrying Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom", Henry Hazlitt's "The Failure of the New Economics", or Rothbard's "Man, Economy, and State" with them, I'm flexible.

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