Wednesday, August 31, 2022

On the Fact that the Government (In Our Country at Least) Cannot, CANNOT, Deputize Private Corporations to Do the Dirty Work that They Themselves Cannot Constitutionally Do

And, so, yeah, when those increasingly gestapo-like F.B.I. hooligans walked tnto Facebook (and probably Twitter as well) and "Suggested" to Ole Zuckerberg that He Be On the Lookout for Russian Disinformation (a laughable concept concocted due to Mrs. Clinton's inability to defeat a reality-show jock and as a diversion from the ramrod's own malfeasance) and to Treat it Accordingly, a) Facebook forfeited its claim to be a private company and b) our disgusting government lurched one step closer to becoming a banana republic tyranny. Happy days, eh? 

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