Tuesday, August 9, 2022

On Eric Holder Ignoring a Congressional Subpoena Ten Years Ago and Not Even Getting Charged by the Justice Department and Today Steve Bannon (a Person Who Had Naught to Do with January 6 but Whose Political Views the Establishment Finds Repugnant) Not Only Getting Charged for that Offense but Getting Convicted In a Corrupt and 90 Plus Percent Democratic Jurisdiction

The Dims realize don't they that when and if the Republicans Assume Power next year (and short of the Democrats using some bullshit excuse like monkeypox  to resurrect mail-in ballots, drop boxes, ballot harvesting, trolling for votes at nursing homes, etc., as well as getting illegals to vote, it seems like a rock-solid bet) they're going to be dishing out subpoenas like candy at Halloween and if Garland refuses to charge people who fail to cooperate, can you say impeachment? That's my prediction anyway.

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