Monday, August 15, 2022

On Biden Receiving 16 Million More Votes than Barack Obama Did In 2012; 81 Million Versus 65 Million, a Near 25% Advantage

Yes, part of it could be attributed to population growth but being that that only rose by 5.4% (increasing from 314 million to 331 million), there's probably a different explanation. Here are a couple possibilities. a) The country fell madly in love with a demented gaffe machine who hid in his basement for the lion's-share of the campaign. b) The country hated Trump so much that they sprinted to the polls, pinched their nostrils, and voted like wildfire for the demented gaffe machine. And c) there could have been some nefarious activities that upped Mr. Biden's score somewhat. My suspicion is that it's likely a combination of b and c, the precise percentage of each, don't have a clue. Not yet at least.

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