Monday, July 25, 2022

Some Points On Trump

  a) He was the first President since Jimmy Carter to not start a war. b) He was the first President to accept gay marriage coming in to office (yeah, he kinda' got swept up in history on this one but the fellow could have pulled a Jerry Falwell and opted against it). c) The man's immigration stance is nearly identical to those of '60s and '70s liberals, Walter Mondale, Cesar Chavez, and Ralph Abernathy (their concerns being that mass immigration would likely bring down wages for native-born Americans - union workers, especially). d) He signed criminal justice reform (I was opposed to it but it should have made the leftists happy - on paper anyway). e) He increased funding for traditionally black colleges. f) He presided over a huge drop in black unemployment (I tend to not give Presidents credit or blame on economic shit but since other folks do I mentioned it). And g) he gave the middle class a pretty nice tax cut (a wealthy taxpayer obviously received a larger gross amount but percentage-wise a middle class person did better).
  Now are there downsides to the guy? OF COURSE THERE ARE! There are downsides to all of them. Trump for example was a horrible President on the deficit, spent way too much on the military, OKed those weapons sales to the Saudis, engaged in political assassinations, refused to pardon Julian Assange and Ed Snowden, and made some monumentally shitty hires (John Bolton being the kingpin, obviously). But to only focus on this and ignore everything else, sorry, I'll pass.

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