Wednesday, July 20, 2022

On the Fact that There's Been a Massive Increase In the Use of Nitrogen Trifluoride In the Manufacture of Solar Panels (Up 1,057% Over the Past 25 Years), the Problem with this Being that NF3 Is 17,000 Times More Potent than CO2 as a Greenhouse Gas

 The solar cronies attempt to mitigate this by saying that the use of these solar panels more than offsets the use of NF3 in their manufacture (solar power putting out zero emissions and over time it's a decent tradeoff). The problem here is that a) the goal was supposed to be ZERO emissions by such and such (a ludicrous goal that the brilliant Roger Pielke has continuously shot holes in) and b) you're still going to need a fossil fuel backup as the solar option remains very unreliable and batteries as a means of storage still can't cut it. Of course there's also the ginormous amounts of solar waste at the other end, also requiring energy to contend with. Starting to pile up, isn't it?

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