Thursday, June 23, 2022

On the Trans Agenda

It's gone too far in that it's caused individuals like me who were generally on their side (treating them with respect, having some compassion for them, arguing for their rights, etc.) to start having some serious buyer's remorse. And, yes, I'm referring specifically to shit like, a) drag queen shows for first graders, b) pressuring people to use made-up bullshit words as pronouns, c) creating multiple new genders out of whole cloth, d) having children as young as 5 picking their gender, e) forcing individuals to not just accept their mental illness (the only delusion in society that we have to cater to like this) but to celebrate it as well, etc.. Hopefully a few level-headed individuals emerge from this "movement" 'cause we're likely looking at a course correction......and if history tells us anything, those can be quite the SOBs.

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