Tuesday, June 28, 2022

On a 2015 Study Showing that the Concealed-Carry Permit Holders In Texas Committed Felonies and Misdemeanors at 1/10th the Rate of Police Officers and Firearms Infractions at 1/7th the Rate - https://crimeresearch.org/2015/02/comparing-conviction-rates-between-police-and-concealed-carry-permit-holders/

So, yeah, taking guns away from law-abiding citizens will likely do little to reduce violent crime and may in fact create more of it as people will no longer be able to defend themselves (sometimes just brandishing the gun will work). My solution would simply be to keep violent felons in prison for their entire sentence and maybe keep the streets safer that way. I mean, I get it that this is an unfashionable approach these days but the elderly black people living in the inner city too fucking scared to get their fucking mail, they just might support it.

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