Friday, May 6, 2022

On the Fact that There've Been 2,178 Deaths Related to the Influenza Vaccine Since 1990, a Tiny Fraction of the 27,532 Deaths so Far Tied to the Various Covid Vaccines In Just the Past 14 Months -

And, no, not all of those covid vaccine deaths are necessarily due to the vaccine (I, unlike the leftists, possess intellectual honesty)............but the same thing can be said of the countless flu vaccines (ditto, the mumps, Lyme disease, rubella, measles, shingles, etc. vaccines). So unless there's a huge confounding variable that someone could plausibly offer (one might point to the huge number of covid vaccines given out but even here 30 years worth of the flu vaccine is at the bare minimum comparable), cronies got some 'splainin' to do.

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