Thursday, May 5, 2022

On Bad News Biden Recently Calling MAGA Folks, "the Most Extreme Political Group In American History"

That's rich coming from the titular buffoon of a political party that desires - a) more tech censorship, b) draconian gun legislation ('cause as we're all aware, giving the government a monopoly on force has always worked so splendidly in the past), c) some idiotic thing called the Green New Deal in which diffuse, expensive, unreliable, low power density, and high resource intensity energy options are expected to run an advanced society, d) more government control of healthcare (think that your healthcare is expensive now, wait 'til it's free), e) burdensome levels of taxation, f) abortion availability right up 'til birth, g) a dogmatic preoccupation with identity politics (because as we all know, it worked so well in Sri Lanka, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Lebanon, Nigeria, the Indian Subcontinent, etc.), h) wide open borders and amnesty for illegals, i) an expansion of the Supreme Court (an idea so extreme that Roosevelt's own party told him to go pound sand), j) instant statehood for Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. (so four more Democrat Senators in perpetuity), k) an ending to the Electoral College (they can't eliminate it without a Constitutional Amendment but, rest assured, there's a Plan B), l) constant denigration of law enforcement (hopefully the concept of defunding the police has been cast aside but who knows with these mouth-breathers), m) an ending to the filibuster (one of the major bulwarks against majority tyranny), n) a huge ratcheting-up of an already Orwellian surveillance-state, o) a granting of the vote to 16 year-olds, prison inmates, and illegals, p) cops to stand down as mouth-breathing leftists torch cities, and q) a normalizing of these fascistic lockdown measures and vaccine mandates where the government can annihilate civil liberties and justify it with bogus promises of safety. Lots of "extreme" horseshit, in other words. 

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