Saturday, April 9, 2022

On Louie CK Securing the Grammy for Best Comedy Album and Right On Cue the Loser Woke Brigade Citing it as an Example of White Privilege and Why Cancel Culture Doesn't Exist (Louie Did Some Gross Shit a Few Years Back and the Assholes Tried to Crush Him for it, Ultimately Failing)

 That's quite a rush because 'Lil Wayne, Puff Daddy, Dr. Dre, Chris Brown, and R. Kelly all engaged in behavior that was much worse than what Louie CK did and they all received tons of Grammy nominations afterwards. And this whole notion that just because Louie was "only" crushed for five years and not forever is somehow proof that cancel culture is a myth is absurd. I mean, they certainly tried to cancel him, did they not?

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