Friday, April 29, 2022

On Fake Black Idiot, Sean King, Wanting the App Stores to Deep-Six Twitter if Elon Musk Refuses to Censor Hate Speech On the Platform

The dunce apparently doesn't realize that there's no such concept as hate speech (a fantasy created by fascist fucks like King who simply cannot handle dissent) and even if there was, "Fauci isn't science", "there are just two genders", "you can't run a modern industrial society on bullshit energy forms like windmills and solar farms", "the corporate media has lied through their teeth about literally everything", "a country isn't a country if it doesn't possess secure borders", "all racial groups have experienced/perpetrated slavery", "when you control for criminality and cop interactions blacks are no more likely to be shot by police than whites", "kindergartners shouldn't be bombarded with sexual matters", "80% of young people with gender dysphoria eventually grow out of it", "people shouldn't be allowed to riot (especially if it's based on bullshit)", "let me refer you to the VAERS data", etc., etc. AIN'T IT!! 

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