Saturday, March 19, 2022

On the Fact that Women's Sports Categories Were Created Because Females Simply Couldn't Compete Against Athletes with Male Physiology, They Did it to Make Competitions Fair and Now Due to a Society Gone Stark Raving Mad the Gals Have to Go Through it All Over Again (Having to Compete with Male to Female Trannies)

Oh and if you bitch about it, you're a transphobe (a moronic ad hoc smear that was conjured up for the same reasons that the others were, to shut folks up and keep 'em all in line), don't forget about that............................................................................................P.S. The obvious solution is to have a separate category for trans but because that a) doesn't rubber-stamp the left's little fantasy world and b) calls for an actual competition between trans-women, it's pretty-much a non-starter

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