Tuesday, March 1, 2022

On the Crazy Reasoning Which Claims that it's Perfectly Logical for the U.S.A. to Be Concerned About Cuba Having Missiles Less than a Hundred Miles from Florida but Seemingly Not Logical for Russia to Have Similar Concerns About Missiles Being Pointed at Her from an Even Shorter Distance (N.A.T.O.'s Claim that the Missiles Are Only for Defense Is Disingenuous as They Can Be Altered Rapidly)

And as far as I know there hasn't been a single person in the corporate press who's underscored this double-standard. Nope, you have to go to outlets like Zero Hedge, the Intercept, Consortium News, CounterPunch, Antiwar.com, etc. (and, no, I'm not asserting that these websites are perfect, just that they aren't military industrial complex 24/7, that's all). Granted you don't get to look at Brian Stelter's beautiful face but, still, come on.

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