Wednesday, March 16, 2022

On the Crazy CDC Director Finally Coming Out and Sheepishly Admitting that the Vaccines Weren't as Boffo as Advertised and that There's Always a Certain Amount of "Gray" Area In Science (You Know, as Opposed to the Constant Flood of Black and White Certitude that Said Director, the Rest of the D.C. Functionaries, and the Mainstream Media Have Been Shitting Out for the Past Two Years Now)

Of course the ballsiest part of this strange admittance was how she essentially blamed the American public for expecting too much, as if this expectation simply dropped from the heavens and had nothing to do with D.C. Inc., big media, and big pharma hyping the damned vaccine. Now whether she believes her own horseshit or is simply lying like a good bureaucrat, who knows. At the bare minimum she certainly doesn't think much of us and on that count............she might be right.

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