Friday, March 18, 2022

Lies that the Government Told Me (a Partial List)

 a) That the hydrogen bombs dropped on Japan were necessary because a land invasion would have cost 1,000,000 American lives (the actual stat was probably closer to 40,000 and virtually none of Truman's military people supported the mass murder). b) That Iran's elected Prime Minister, Mohammad Mosaddegh, was a communist (the exact opposite was true, he hated the pinkos) and so he needed to be replaced by the Shah. c) That the North Vietnamese attacked us during the second Gulf of Tonken event. d) That the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty was an accident and not a deliberate attack by the Israelis. e) That Iraqi soldiers were pulling Kuwaiti babies out of their incubators and bayoneting them. f) WMD. g) That Assad had gassed his own people. h) Two weeks to flatten the curve  And currently i) that Vladimir Putin is literally Hitler 2.0 while the Ukrainians are as pure as snow in northern New Hampshire.

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