Sunday, February 13, 2022

On Tennis Champion, Margaret Court, Compiling a Career Singles Record of 1,177-106, a 91.7% Winning Percentage (Her Career Mark of 297-73 Versus Top Ten Opponents Is Equally Impressive; 80.2% for the Numbers People)

And like any great star she saved her best performances for the Grand Slam events; winning 24 of those tournaments (she was also a great doubles player, winning 19 women's doubles Grand Slams and 21 more in the mixed doubles category - so 64 all together). Granted, there weren't as many great performers back then (1960 to 1977) but as somebody who's watched a lot of tennis over the years, I can tell you, Billie Jean King, Maria Bueno, Nancy Richey, Rosemary Casals, Darlene Hard, Virginia Wade, Francoise Durr, and Chris Evert (obviously a youngster at that point), those women were hardly slouches and if what Mrs. Court accomplished wasn't impressive, then why did no one come even remotely close to her? Trust me, the gal was great.

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