Tuesday, February 1, 2022

On the Fact that We're Commanded (and, no, that Isn't too Strident of a Term When One's Livelihood and Autonomy Are at Stake) to Believe Everything that the Institutional Left Says WHEN THEY SAY IT and Are Only Permitted to Change Our Minds When They Do (as They Did with the Lab-Leak Theory, Cloth Masks Being Boffo, the Vaccines Stopping Infection and Transmission, Lockdowns Having No Deleterious Consequences, etc.)

 Another obvious example is hospitalizations and deaths WITH Covid versus hospitalizations and deaths BECAUSE OF Covid. We all knew about this distinction 18 months ago and tried repeatedly to get our point across. But because our name wasn't Anthony Fauci and we didn't have any political or economic purpose to keep the entire country in a state of fear we either weren't listened to or denigrated as conspiracy ramrods and purveyors of disinformation. Of course, now that Fauci is saying the exact same thing it isn't any longer disinformation but rather ole Fauci following the science (probably a difficult task in that he's the science himself, we're told). It's disgusting and hopefully there's an orange jumpsuit for him real soon. 

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