Wednesday, February 2, 2022

On the Fact that Trump Could Never Quite Mesh His Incessant Romanticizing of the Military with His Reasonably Decent Instincts Regarding the Utilization of it, for Example His Frequent Inability to Confront Military Brass

Trump gets a lot of well-deserved credit (from sane and reasonable people, I'm saying) for not starting any new wars but if that constitutes the new criteria for non-interventionism we're probably in some trouble. The brutal fact is that Trump dragged his heels on both Afghanistan and Syria (apparently believing the preposterous claim that Assad had gassed his own people) and continued the Obama-era policy of selling weapons to Saudi Arabia where they were being used to perpetrate genocide in Yemen. So, yeah, while I did have some high hopes for Trump's foreign policy, now that the rubble has settled, it's very hard to give the dude more than a C.

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