Thursday, February 17, 2022

On the Fact that of Course What Those Sub-90 IQ Jerks Did On January 6th Was Stupid and Wrong but, Come On, this Whole Notion that the Capitol In D.C. Is Some Sacred Temple When the Building Has Housed Some of the Most Virulent War-Criminals (i.e., John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Lindsey Graham, Bush 1, Joe Lieberman, and Dick Cheney - Just to Name a Few from Recent Annals) of the Past Hundred Plus Years Is an Insult to the Actual Heroes of the Country; You know, People Like Firefighters, Truckers, Electricians, Plumbers, Medics, Nurses, Dudes On Oil-Rigs and Farmers Who Truly Run the Country

 Yeah, to me, it's always about the death tally; in this instance, 0 versus a few hundred thousand (at least).............An easy call, in other words.

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