Friday, February 18, 2022

On the Fact that Any Government Which Uses the Words, "the Proliferation of False or Misleading Narratives Which Sow Discord or Undermine Public Trust In U.S. Government Institutions", Represents a Government that Should Scare the Daylights Out of You and Which You Should Resist (Through Civil Disobedience Preferably) While You Still Can

The Biden regime is the most tyrannical administration since Woodrow Wilson's and it may in fact be more virulent in that at least Wilson seemed to focus predominantly on anti-war voices while Biden and his crew are going after half the fucking population and appears to have a much more sinister agenda (experimenting on his citizens, denigrating and scapegoating tens of millions of individuals, working in tandem with big tech to silence his opposition, etc.). Or maybe he's just competing with Trudeau to see who can be the biggest snot. That's a possibility, too, I guess.  

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