Saturday, February 5, 2022

On the Fact that (According to a New Rasmussen Poll) 48% of Democrats Want Individuals Who Question Vaccine Efficacy to Either Be Locked-Up or Fined (Gee, I Wonder if that Includes Pfizer's CEO Who Recently Tweeted that "Two Doses of the Vaccine Offer Very Limited Protection, if Any" and that "Three Doses with a Booster Offer Reasonable Protection") and Another 29% Want the Children of Unvaxxed Parents to Be Taken Away from Them (a Failure to Understand that Healthy Kids Are at Quite Literally Zero Risk from Covid)

I don't know how any sane person can look at these stats (another 59% want unvaxxed people confined in their homes) and still think that the Republicans are the radical party. It fully escapes me.

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