Wednesday, January 19, 2022

To the Parasitic Psychopath Whose Job it is to Pursue "Anti-Authority Ideologues" (AKA, Matthew G. Olsen)

It isn't so much that we hate authority but rather authoritarianism the caliber of which you and the rest of the current administration so magnificently exemplify (a centralized autocracy, collusion with large corporations in tech, media, pharma, etc, the scapegoating of people who happen not to share your dystopian worldview, the hardcore stifling of dissent, etc.). And we know exactly what you're doing, asshole; dumbing-down the definition of terms like white supremacist, racist, terrorist, extremist, and conspiracy theorist to the point where anyone to the right of Hillary Clinton would fit the bill. It's disgusting and if I have any say in this thing you will face a level of embarrassment where even your family will be giving you a wide-gait for a while. Seriously.

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