Monday, January 31, 2022

On MSLSD's Rachel Maddow Back In March of this Year Arguing that -

"The virus stops with every vaccinated person (and, yes, that's Pfizer grinning like a Cheshire cat in the background)."...........A bit off, eh? Of course it isn't so much that the boob got it monumentally wrong. We all screw up from time to time. My beef has much more to do with, a) her cartoonish arrogance, b) her ridiculous level of certitude at a time when not a lot was known about this experimental drug (like that jerk on the zoom conference said, "we won't know if it's safe til we start using it), c) the fact that she's never admitted her mistake never mind apologized for it, and d) she's a damned ignoramus as evidenced by her unscientific claim that the coronavirus will dangerously mutate without the vaccine and not via the carpet-bombing of it in the middle of a pandemic (similar to antibiotics with bacteria, the indiscriminate use of the vaccine could potentially put evolutionary pressure on the virus to mutate, not in a weakened state per usual but rather in a more virulent one). I mean, I get it that only liberals are allowed to speculate these days (and even with them it has to rubber-stamp the entrenched bureaucratic template (just ask Naomi Wolf and Bobby Kennedy Jr.) but this fucking Maddow lady is so obnoxious that I just had to unload. Thanks for your time.

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