Wednesday, January 5, 2022

On Manhattan's New Bleeding-Heart SJW DA, Alvin Bragg, Purportedly Wanting to Charge Armed Robbery Suspects with Petit Larceny (an Action that Would Reduce the Maximum Sentence from 25 Years to 1) -

He's also wants to reduce the charges for other dangerous crimes such as residential burglary and weapons violations by convicted criminals. And to make matters worse he's pulling these stunts during one of the largest upticks in violent crime that New York has seen in quite some time. Look, I get it, Giuliani and Bloomberg were far from the most likeable people in the galaxy......but they both kept the people safe and since a large number of those people were black (the good, law-abiding inner-city black people who the leftists ignore while simultaneously coddling the city's most virulent thugs), it's very hard to not wax nostalgic these days.

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