Monday, January 24, 2022

On Former FDA Director, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Now Joining CNN Crazy Lady, Leanna Wen, In Finally Admitting that Cloth Face-Masks Are Essentially Useless In Stopping the Spread of COVID Because the Virus Is Transmitted via Aerosols and Are Thus Way to Small for this Type of Protection to Be Effective

I've been saying this for over a fucking year and I'm not even a doctor. Of course cloth masks and bandanas don't work and worse than that they're unhealthy (covering one's nose and mouth for 7,8 hours a day with something that's probably contaminated - oh yeah, great policy, assholes). Hopefully these events will break the logjam and prompt other individuals who've been reticent to come forward for fear of being destroyed by the fascist bedwetters to speak up, too. God willing, huh? 

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