Friday, January 14, 2022

On Famed Economist, Elizabeth Warren, Trying to Blame the Rising Cost of Food On Greedy Grocery Store Chains (Singling Out Kroger for Some Strange Reason) and Not On Rampant Government Spending Together with Disincentives On the Production Side; Inducements Not to Work, Disruptions In the Supply Chain, Over-Regulation, Increased Energy Costs, etc.

Yes, Kroger is a profitable company but let's also have some perspective here. a) Kroger's operating margin is 1.95% (their profit margin less than half of that). b) The operating margin for the grocery industry as a while is 2.53%. And c) the operating margins for the pharmaceutical and green energy industries (two sectors of the economy that Mrs. Warren is currently orgiastic over) currently sit at 24.17% and 23.3% respectively.............And what's this notion of retail businesses suddenly becoming greedy now that Biden's in charge (wholesale prices have actually risen faster than retail prices but whatever - It's ludicrous and yet this is ole Liz Warren, part and parcel. Source -

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