Monday, January 3, 2022

On the Fact that When the Republican Leadership Was Toying with the Idea of Deep-Sixing the Filibuster to Ram Through Their Judicial Appointments Senator Schumer Argued that the Republicans Were Turning the Country Into a Banana Republic by Altering the Rules to Get Their Way

He's of course singing a different tune these days as he now seems more than willing to get rid of that very same filibuster to get HIS way. Oh what a difference 20 (or so) years make.................................................................................................P.S. And just for the record, I fully agreed with Schumer back then, not because of any partisan considerations but because I've long viewed pure democracy as a form of mob-rule which needs to be tempered by elements such as the filibuster, each state getting two senators, and the electoral college.......As for Schumer himself, yeah, he's a tool. 

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