Tuesday, January 11, 2022

On the Fact that In 2018 (the Most Recent Year that I Could Locate) There Were 10.3 Million Arrests by Police In this Country and of These Incidents the Cops Only Discharged Their Firearm a Total of 3,043 Times (so Less than .003% of the Time), Killing a Little Under 1,000 (424 White, 251 Black, the Balance Either Hispanic or Undisclosed) - https://fedsoc-cms-public.s3.amazonaws.com/update/pdf/NZXplaauDqBY2JmO7RLtqgNcjQF9xKd73Ce0AXCJ.pdf

Not saying that it's desirable for cops to kill a thousand people a year (regardless of their race) but in a country of 330,000,000 people and with a crime rate that far exceeds those of East Asia, Europe, etc., a significant improvement in the stats is probably unlikely. Hope that I'm wrong.

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