Saturday, January 29, 2022

On the Fact that Even Though Rational Wiki Remains One of the Most Lowbrow and Slanderous Shit-Posting Sites Online, it Has Somehow Miraculously Made it to the Apex of Google's Algorithm

Rubber-stamp what the power structure advocates and, yeah, you're going to get rewarded, even if you're an idiot. A case in point.........................................................................................................P.S. The dude was so desperate to eviscerate this one individual that he actually tried to justify the annihilation of Dresden at the end of WW2, citing the easily refutable argument that Dresden was the home to munitions factories (as A.C. Grayling points out in his seminal work, "Among the Dead Cities", targeted bombing could have readily accomplished the same task and, besides, area bombing wasn't accomplishing its stated goal of breaking the German spirit) and so what if we have to murder tens of thousands of innocent civilians (a large percentage of whom were women, children, the elderly, and refugees). Twas all worth it, according to this lunatic.

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