Wednesday, January 26, 2022

On the Fact that (According to George Leggett's Book, "The Cheka: Lenin's Political Police") from 1917 to 1922, it Has Been Estimated that the Soviet Cheka (Precursor of the K.G.B.) Executed (i.e., Murdered) Approximately 140,000 People (All Without a Trial), More than the Tsarist Regime from 1866 to 1917 and the Entirety of the French Revolution COMBINED

Yes, Stalin was the king of Russia's Murderers but Stalin wasn't a piker, either. Here is just a small sample of his handiwork - a) executed 1,300 poor bastards in Petrograd alone during the month of September, 1918, b) slaughtered close to 4,000 striking workers in Astrakhan during a three-day-long reign of terror, c) massacred close to 1,000 bourgeois in Astrakhan as a by-product of ransacking their homes (how dare these folks have possessions) and raping their spouses, d) slaughtered over 10,000 peasants in Samara and Simbirsk in a successful effort to crush a rebellion there, and e) executed more than 6,000 Cossacks in early 1920 to viciously put down an uprising in the Ukraine. Quite the death toll and when you throw in a monstrous dose of sadism that even Uncle Joe couldn't match (throwing prisoners into the Volga River with stones tied around their neck, for instance), gotta' rank the dude right up there. The medal-stand, at least.

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