Friday, December 3, 2021

To All of the Folks Out There Who Simultaneously Look Askance at These Various COVID Vaccines AND Hold Former President Trump In the Highest Esteem, Try and Square this Circle

 "I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!"............"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly."............"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works."............"Get those shots everyone!"............“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.”............"Everybody, go get your shot."............"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world."............"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe."............"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" - Donald J. Trump, 2020 and 2021 

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