Monday, December 13, 2021

On the Corporate Press and Political Establishment Trying to Convince us that Those Three Career Criminals Who Kyle Rittenhouse Shot In Self-Defense Went to Kenosha to Protest for Racial Justice, Not to Engage In Rampant Criminality (Yes, One of Them Used the N-Word but, Come On, Doesn't Everybody)

Yep, another big lie, right up there with the Hunter Biden laptop being "Russian disinformation", the riots being mostly peaceful and/or a myth, "fine people", Antifa shits actually being anti-fascist, Trump/Russia collusion, police disproportionately gunning down young black men, Republicans defunding the police (that whopper courtesy of Peppermint), and January 6th being an "armed insurrection".......Talk about a greatest hits compilation, huh?

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