Wednesday, November 3, 2021

On Virginia Electing its First Black Female Lieutenant Governor and I'll Be Damned, She's a Republican (Named Winsome Sears)

Needless to say the racist bile coming from the feral left started almost immediately and, yeah, it was the usual bullshit; "always trying to please whitey", "turning against her own", etc.. Most unoriginal. Of course when you engage in such knee-jerk and rote idiocy you also fail to notice that the woman has an impressive resume which far exceeds that of 99.999% of those vile, unemployable, and low-IQ Antifa white-trash shitheads who just can't stomach it when a black person thinks for herself. That and they're just fucking jealous. OBVIOUSLY..................................................................................................P.S. The impressive resume that I referenced includes a BA from Old Dominion, an MA from Regent (not in gender studies bur rather organizational leadership), and a three year stint in the U.S. Marine Corps (the toughest branch of all with nary an Antifa shit for miles). Not too shabby.

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