Friday, November 19, 2021

On Some Mouth-Breathing CRT Proponent Showing Up at a Schoolboard Meeting, Talking Some Embarrassingly Dumb Shit, and While Being Escorted Out of the Room by Law Enforcement Turning to the Parents and Threatening Them with His "1,000 Soldiers" Who Are "Locked and Loaded" -

The schoolboard association, without a speck of evidence, wrote a letter to the Justice Department complaining about threats being levied against them and of how they wanted the F.B.I. and Homeland Security to investigate these claims (they even made a reference to the Patriot Act, a piece of legislation that the left used to despise, justifiably so, but not so much any longer). Hmm, I wonder if what this literal piece-of-shit just did qualifies. Likely not, huh?

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