Tuesday, November 9, 2021

On Some Black Racist Professor from Rutgers Named Brittney Cooper (and, gee, What a Surprise, the Bitch Teaches Gender and Black Studies and Not Mechanical Engineering) Recently Referring to White People as "Villains" Who Need to Be "Taken Out" (hmm, Wonder What that Means - NOT!) - Quick Addendum


And she's full of shit, too. a) Slavery was a universally accepted institution right up until the early 19th Century and it hasn't been practiced in the U.S. for 156 years (as opposed to Africa where it's still being practiced) - time to get over it. b) If white people are such an impediment to black progress then why are there literally no places on earth where blacks do better with white folks not around? c) Helping black people get ahead has been one of the central tenets of American domestic policy for 55 fucking years (civil rights legislation, massive amounts of aid to inner cities, increased spending for inner-city schools, the Great Society, affirmative action, government set-asides for black contractors, aid to black colleges, and most recently, criminal justice reform), not exactly the stuff of white supremacist nations. d) White people all over the country (from the board room to public schools) are currently being force-fed this palpably moronic notion that people with their skin pigmentation are uniquely villainous and that every issue between blacks and whites over the decades has been 100% the fault of the latter, a bald absurdity on every level. e) The U.S.A. has one of the more generous immigration policies on the world with 90% of the people coming in these days being people of color - again, not something that a truly white supremacist nation would be tolerating. f) The woman loves to talk about how poorly the indigenous people of America have been treated (a fair enough point on its face but wait, there's more) but I have never heard the gal or any of these other SJW America-haters bring up the indigenous people east of the Drakensberg Mountains who got genocided by Shaka Zulu and company............or the indigenous Hindu folks of India who got annihilated in the millions by Muslim invaders............or the indigenous inhabitants of Kievan Rus who were absolutely eviscerated by marauding Mongols............or the indigenous Moriori from islands off the coast of New Zealand who were viciously murdered and enslaved by the invading Maori tribes - I could go on but you've likely gotten the drift. g) In order for reparations to be justified you'd first have to prove that the descendants of slaves (itself a dicey task in that many blacks either weren't slaves or arrived here later as immigrants, and what about mixed-race people with a lineage to both slaves AND slaveholders?) would be better off had their descendants remained in Africa, a near impossibility in that these individuals either would have remained as slaves in Africa (and likely worked to death), shipped-off elsewhere (the Middle-East, the Caribbean, South America, etc.), or murdered in one of the continent's continuous internecine conflicts. And even if their ancestors did survive these travails, the descendants would likely be dirt-poor today as the only functional sub-Saharan African country is Botswana and even there the per-capita GDP remains far less than that of blacks in the U.S.. h) Dozens of big cities in this country have elected bleeding-heart progressive DAs who are refusing to prosecute young black men for numerous crimes and even when they do prosecute them the penalty is generally weak (San Francisco and St. Louis quickly come to mind here). i) The individual's views on Apartheid and colonialism are of course boiler-plate quality and largely incorrect (demonizing them in the typical ideological and binary manner) in that along pretty much every indicator of well-being (per capita income, life expectancy, the abolition of slavery, infant mortality, infrastructure, better education, etc.) black Africans have largely benefited from these policies. Clearly, a much more plausible explanation for the haplessness of these countries has been their inability and/or unwillingness to harness the necessary prerequisites for a modern economy to thrive; secure property rights, enforceable contracts, the rule of law, a pronounced work ethic, modern technology, modern science and medicine, safeguards against government corruption, etc...…….....Of course since these are predominantly values and institutions of the West, African leaders like Mugabe have proceeded to cleanse every speck of European presence from their society, and the results of this infantile purge, what do you think? And j) there still exists no compelling evidence that blacks are killed by cops at a disproportionately higher rate than whites (Roland Fryer, Harvard economist, check out the dude's research) and in fact when you norm for the proper benchmarks (crime rates and cop interactions) you'll notice that cops are actually slightly more likely to gun down a white suspect than they are a black one.........................I'll probably come up with more points later on but start with these. They should keep you busy.    

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