Thursday, November 18, 2021

On the Fact that When Your Two Founders Are a Couple of sub-90 IQ "Trained Marxists" and One of Their Priorities Right Out of the Gate Is to Extirpate the Nuclear Family the Luster Is Bound to Shit the Bed Eventually (as Evidenced by Their Cratering Poll Numbers)

 And the only reasons why their numbers are as high as they are (44%) are 'cause a) the media is keeping from the public all of that organization's radical foolishness and b) the rest of the citizens could give a rat's-ass to the point where they're simply conflating the sentiment, black lives matter (which everyone save for a few sociopaths agrees with), with the rump organization of the same name. Hopefully as more people get the real dope on these imbeciles we can get that stat-line all the way down to a rounding error. I'll certainly do my damnedest.  

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