Saturday, October 9, 2021

On the Fact that if the U.S. Institutes a Digital Currency it Will Be the Death-Knell of Liberty as We've Come to Know it

For two reasons. a) It will allow the surveillance-state to track all of our financial interactions and make a social-credit system much, much easier (John bought some pot, Clyde bought a gun, Steve bought some porn, Jeff bought a gas guzzler and drove it cross-country - all items that could ding your score and cause you to forfeit privileges). And b) it will allow the government to ram through negative interest rates, not permit people to take their money out of the bank to counteract the policy (as the Japanese did when their government tried to pull this stunt, purchasing safes to keep their currency in), and make it as easy as a key-stroke to impoverish you. Please, if you Senator or Representative even hints at such a fascistic policy, speak out and organize to defeat that person as this is unacceptable. 

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