Tuesday, October 19, 2021

On the Fact that (According to a Recent Rasmussen Survey - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/rebeccadowns/2021/10/14/poll-majority-of-voters-believe-cheating-affected-outcome-of-2020-election-n2597481) 32% of Democrats Now Think that There Was SOME Cheating In the 2020 Election

Not certain why this is. Maybe it's the thousand plus sworn affidavits (lying on one of these is perjury and to think that 1,000 folks would be willing to do that for Orange Man Bad doesn't seem plausible), the contrarian overkill on CNN and MSLSD, who knows. My suspicion is that there likely was a certain element of fraud with the counting, mail-in ballots up the ying-yang, etc. but that it wasn't enough to change the results (still haven't seen any hardcore evidence on the Dominion machines - sorry, enthusiastic Trump people). If I was advising Team Trump, I would have them focus more on the bullshit that happened BEFORE election day (especially the collusion between the Democrats, big tech, and the legacy media, the unconstitutional changing of voter laws on the state level, the mass dissemination of mail-in ballots, etc.). That way if the dude does run again next time out he'll have much less to bitch about - an eventuality that all of us would prefer to see. Hell, yeah.

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